
public struct GuakaConfig

Guaka global configurations. Contains config to change global settings.

  • Changing the global help message strategy
  • Sets the help generator strategy By default this is DefaultHelpGenerator


    Altering the full help message returned

    struct SampleGenerator: HelpGenerator {
      let commandHelp: CommandHelp
        var helpMessage: String {
          // You have to print your own help
          return "custome help message for \(" +
          "It has \(self.commandHelp.subCommands.count) subcommands"
       init(commandHelp: CommandHelp) {
         self.commandHelp = commandHelp

    Altering only two sections, usage and subcommands from help. The overall structure of the help will be the same, only the usage and subcommands will be altered

    struct SampleGenerator: HelpGenerator {
      let commandHelp: CommandHelp
      var usageSection: String? {
         return "Usage message for \("
      var subCommandsSection: String? {
         return "It has \(self.commandHelp.subCommands.count) subcommands"
      init(commandHelp: CommandHelp) {
         self.commandHelp = commandHelp

    Removing a section from the help. Remove the usage section.

    struct SampleGenerator: HelpGenerator {
      let commandHelp: CommandHelp
      var usageSection: String? {
         return nil
      init(commandHelp: CommandHelp) {
         self.commandHelp = commandHelp



    public static var helpGenerator: HelpGenerator.Type